Choose one of my specialties
All Over Color & Cut
Bang Trim
Malibu/Chelating Treatment & Cut
Foilage/Artistry & Cut
Coloring of roots painting ends/pieces of hair. Balayage/foilayage the hair plus cut. Price starts at $155. May vary.
Foilage/Artisty Color
Coloring of roots painting ends/pieces of hair. Balayage/foilayage the hair. Price starts at $130. May vary.
Foils. Highlights/lowlights or both. Price starts at $100 depending on how many colors price may go up.
Highlights & Cut
Foils. Highlights/lowlights or both plus haircut. Price starts at $135 depending on how many colors price may go up.
Highlights With Tint
Coloring roots with few foils or full foil. Price starts at $95. May vary depending.
Highlights With Tint & Cut
Coloring roots with few foils or full foil & cut. Price starts at $120. May vary depending.
Men’s Cut & Wash
Tint Retouch
Root touch ups & all over colors. Price starts at $70 and may vary.
Tint Retouch & Cut
Roots &/or all over color. Prices start at $105 and may vary.